Katherine Anne Porter said 'There seems to be a kind of order in the universe in the movement of the stars and the turning of the Earth and the changing of the seasons. But human life is almost pure chaos. Everyone takes his stance, asserts his own right and feelings, mistaking the motives of others, and his own.'"
When I found this quote in one of the episodes from American TV show called "One Tree Hill", I was so impressed by the words and I couldn't help thinking about this for days. Despite of the fact that I had no idea who the hell is this Katherine Anne Porter[I still don't BTW.] and I didn't even like this TV show very much, It was like, instead of me someone expressed the thought I've been having so long time, and I really liked it and named my blog "Almost Pure Chaos".
As she said, human life is almost pure chaose, and what human create is also almost pure chaose, such as music. People create new music every day, and how we make our own music or how we sing the songs are definitely up to ourselves, some scream, some growl, and some squeal like a pig. Do you think people in 1980's ever imagined their future generation create such a music? Probably no, cuz music is total freedom and thats why it's almost pure chaos.
In this blog I will mostly write about music or movie that I want to share with rest of the people in the world. Hope you like it! and hope you subscribe it!
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